Come Listen to my tale of Jonah and the whale.
Way down in the bottom of the Ocean....Uh huh!
How did he get there what clothes did he wear?
Way down in the bottom of the ocean...Uh huh!
A preacher he must be to Ninaveh you see, to disobey was a very foolish notion......Uh huh!
But God forgave his sin and victory entered in.
Way down in the bottom of the, way down in the bottom of the, way down in the bottom of the ocean.....Uh huh!
This is her favorite Sunday School song :) She says "Jonah Fish" and does her hands like this to request her Mommy sing the song!!
My Blog: CalvaryGirl
Calvary Girl Devotions
Soooo cute!! Anju has a favorite SS song too--from Christmas. She makes a little stable with her hands and wants us to sing "In a Little Stable" all the time. And, apparently every hymn in church is that song, because when we start singing, she makes a stable. How precious that our children love to sing about their Savior!!
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