Monday, April 06, 2009

Into my whiney World.

A sneak peak into my world. The issues running around.

#4's adoption was funded I would say 70% by WACAP's Promise Children program. The little boy we are interested in his adoption would have been paid 40% with a similar program. Well due to the economic issues, funding has been pulled for both programs.

So #5's adoption will be in the $20,000 range.

Well that is $10,000 more then we were "expecting".........

So were we wrong in feeling called to him?
Is He shutting the door?
Does He want us to step out in faith and do it even though it seems so hard?

When we started we asked for Ashraya's for permission.......we assumed the door would close. It swung open.

When we prayed for the application fee.......the door swung open.

What's your take?


Charlie McCoy said...

I would say that if the Lord has already opened up those doors, then maybe this is the right thing for y'all to do, and that #5 isn't that far out of your reach. You've asked the Lord to show you that if this is what He wants, and it's His will, then the doors will open, and I've been reading and following, and I think that those doors are opening for you, and for that, I rejoice in all that has gone on. I know that it seems like a little much right now, especially when you look at the financial part of it all, but we serve a MIGHTY God, and He supplied ALL your needs with #4, and I know that He'll do it again with #5! Keep the faith, and know that God is in control. ((HUGS)) I'll be praying for y'all.

Tisra said...

Well, as someone who started our adoption and had no idea where the money was going to come from, I can say that THE LORD WILL PROVIDE!

We didn't even start the homestudy right away because the money wasn't there. But someone provided. An old friend of my mom's wrote us a $1000 check.

As things would go, the Taiwan line was so stinkin' slow, we had plenty of time to chunk bits away and save. And more people helped us along the way.

Once we felt called to a waiting child, and found Dorothy, it seemed even more daunting because all these fees were finally needing to be paid, and faster than the Taiwan schedule of fees. And Indian adoption is a bit more. For that matter, Taiwan adoption, if completed now, is more than when we researched everything at the start in 2006.

So, here we are at the end, still needing about $11,000 for travel and misc. expenses at the end. But I know it will happen. It will be provided.

I've seen this now with so many adoptive families. It's part of the journey. If He's leading you, a way will appear.

I don't know if you're on Facebook, but a friend of mine started a group called "Affording International Adoption" and it is a wealth of ideas for coming up with the money- saving tips, fundraiser ideas, income tips etc.


Elaine said...

You don't sound
whiney to me; you sound like you want it to happen, and that's understandable.
Wait, pray, and keep in mind, "Be still and know that I am God."
He will lead if it's supposed to happen -- He's not going to keep it from you.
Neither should you PUSH your way into it, if it's not supposed to happen. As you already know, WAITING and being still is the hardest part. I'm saying that from experience as well.
God bless you on your journey!

Mrs. Mark Arni said...

Oh, my friend, I am behind you all the way!!! I will be supporting you in prayer each time the Lord brings you to mind. How wonderful that the Lord opened the doors that He did before this bit of news from WACAP! A quote from an old Baptist missionary in Haiti comes to my mind just now, "Refire, but never retire because He says, 'Occupy 'til I come!' " I believe that if I were you and your beloved, I would continue to move forward until the Lord directs you otherwise.



Me said...

Trust. just breathe in and trust in the knowledge that what will happen, will happen. Faith.