Saturday, January 19, 2008

Why set to private?

Because there are some scary things happening in the adoption world!!!
I have met 2 families and heard of another who have gotten in trouble for the contants of their blog! One actually HAD the child in their care, one was at the same stage we are and the "referral" was taken away. Because they were fundraising on their blog for their adoption. ANd the other for "religious" reasons. That scares me! I am closing my myspace for the same reason! I can't loose her.

So there you have it! If you accepted my "invite" let me know otherwise I am just posting to myself =) I hope it wasn't a hassle to set up!

Thanks for understanding.


Bonky's Mom said...

I'm here and excited to continue reading your blog!


Gail said...

Thanks for letting me keep in touch!

zoomer1 said...

I'm appalled to learn that individuals are using blog information to interfere with the adoption process. Thanks for the invite.


Mrs. Mark Arni said...

Thank you for inviting me, Jennifer! I wouldn't want to miss the rest of your journey to "N". Plus , I have found so many other wonderful blogs through you. Blessings! Chris

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the Invitation.

Wow, it is amazing that they would stoop so low, as to do something like this.

I had a friend who was adopting through the state & unfortunately she realized that she didn't want to be the states yo-yo.

Jumping through the hoops, so that you can adopt. It is very sad & hard on the perspective parent, as well as the child who gets to go back & forth to see their real parents & then to their perspective parents. It is definately, not healthy for the children or anyone else for that matter.

I can see why people would desire to have friends & family help them financially to adopt a child where this kind of behavior above isn't involved.

It's a good idea for my friend, I'll have to tell her about it.

Thank you for inviting me.
Hugs 2u,
@ Faith Moms

5KidMom said...

I'm here, and I would have done anything and everything to make sure Grace came home too. Thanks for letting me hang around. I'm looking forward to reading the rest of the story. 8^)

Charlotte said...

It was simple. Thanks for letting me follow your journey to 'N'!