Saturday, November 29, 2008


It's hard to believe we have had her one week already!

What can she do? Run, walk very fast, do stairs up and down, sign for eat (when she is hungry), doesn't like to be wet....or stinky, say daddy and mommy (although not necessarily to the right person :)), she can repeat almost anything, sing her ABC's (well kinda), she also can follow simple directions, she hates her hands to be dirty, she LOVES putting on lotion, likes (or tolerates) baths, like to change her clothes and she loves to eat and eat anything!!!

First sucker! B&B in New Delhi!!


AutiMama said...

Well she sounds like your average tot -
Hating baths, loving food and talking up a storm (even if you can't decipher it all) hehehehe!!

That is one adorable pic of her holding the sucker :0)

May the Lord bless you all!

Brooke said...

Are you exhausted or what? How is she doing with your other kids? James? Any grief signs yet? Thinking of you and praying for all of you!