Thursday, January 29, 2009

What to do? What to do?

What do you do with a 4 yr old (almost)....going on 18 months??? Back to the [very] basics.


JavaMama said...

We are using Letter of the Week... it is a great program. She is so beautiful! Blessings.

Brooke said...

She is so cute! It sounds like you found some great things. Have you ever seen the Handwriting Without Tears program? Obviously, she wouldn't be ready for the writing part, but their preschool pack is awesome with tons of music and manipulatives. I have tutored with the program for years and it has been a wonderful help to tons of kids. You can get the workbooks for about $5 and the other parts you can always find on Ebay or used curriculum sites. It would be a worthwhile investment.

:)De said...

I use Brightly Beaming too. I love it.
