Friday, January 30, 2009

Why I am 100% against Abortion.

She is my reason.
We know nothing about her first family.
Is she the result of rape?
We have no idea.
Did her first Mom want an abortion?
Who knows?
I do know she could have had one.....
and it would have been "ok" there.
It is common for girls to be aborted.

But for whatever reason her first Mom gave her life.
For that life I will forever be grateful.
She is mine.


Brooke said...

That outfit is so cute- especially the socks. She looks taller!

Anonymous said...

wow, I think the same thing every time I look at my Chinese daughter. It would have been easy for her to be aborted in China, or to "disappear" after she was born with the double strikes of being female and with a cleft palate. In the US, her mother would have known before her birth that she had a cleft, and she would almost certainly have been aborted. So many people want designer children, and it has become perfectly ok to just get rid of the ones that don't measure up to society's current yard stick.

Anonymous said...

wow, I think the same thing every time I look at my Chinese daughter. It would have been easy for her to be aborted in China, or to "disappear" after she was born with the double strikes of being female and with a cleft palate. In the US, her mother would have known before her birth that she had a cleft, and she would almost certainly have been aborted. So many people want designer children, and it has become perfectly ok to just get rid of the ones that don't measure up to society's current yard stick.

Me said...

she is absolutely adorable in this photo. I love the matching socks and sweater. I too am grateful to my son's birth mother for the choice she made.

JavaMama said...

Praise God!! She was soveriegnly meant for you... from the begining of time she was created for you to be apart of your family... she is beautiful. When I see her my heart is just filled with joy.

JOYfully in Him,

Mrs. Mark Arni said...

She is absolutely beautiful, my friend!!! Very cute outfit, by the way. I, too, am very grateful for the decision of the 2 birthmoms who gave LIFE to the little boys that now grace our home alongside their homegrown brother and 3 sisters.

