Monday, March 16, 2009

Come on Spring......

.....we are ready for ya!! We spent this past Saturday getting our garden ready for spring. This year we are trying Square Foot Gardening.....

Hubby made a list last weekend of all of the "stuff" we would need and then we decided how can we make this a cheap adventure and not a $300 one!! SOOOOO we looked around and he decided to take the chicken coop down (it was already down we just moved it lol) So "free" wood. Then we were talking to someone form church and he told us to call tree service businesses and ask for he picks up a truck load for FREE. YEAH so the price is going down!!!!

The boys did 300 sq ft worth of boxes for garden and he put up a sand box out there too ;)


Mary Ellyn said...

Square foot gardening is great. I have a small one, but it produces abundantly and requires very little maintenance once it's created.

Brooke said...

I would like more info on what is in your little pots. I was going to start a really big garden this year- it didn't occur to me to start the seedlings. I am going to research this.

CalvaryGirl said...

That's awesome!! I'm so going to garden this year, we need to- we cannot afford not to!

Oh, and ...
TAG! You're it! Come over and find out what to do! *g*