Friday, September 18, 2009

Um new plan needed :)

Let's just say our family wouldn't make a very good pioneer family :) This is basically what we got out of our garden this year?? Although it is better then last it is still pretty sad! As a pioneer family this would be our last winter......that is if we had made it through last winter lol!! Oh well we'll try it again next year with a few improvements!!

Cherry Tomatoes

A purty Flower!


Our only surviving pumpkin.
Maybe we can get at least one pie outta it?


1 of 2 surviving cantaloupes.

1 of 5 or 6 Watermelons.

One of our few tomatoes that are actually red.

Not pictured cause I forgot.......a little squash.
And 5 or 6 cucumbers turned pickles....hmm maybe we will try those for dinner ;)

And this is September.......that is what we got?? We planted the end of March beginning of April? What is with our weather???

Praise the Lord for Kroger lol!!!!


Tisra said...

Okay- that's been *my* experience with gardening! Ha! I feel your pain. Here I'd thought you were pulling off this whole "mini farm" thing without much effort. I know that doesn't reduce your sting, but it encourages me. maybe I shouldn't have given up so quickly. I got results like that 2 years ago and haven't even tried growing herbs since then!

A Stafford said...

This has been a terrible gardening year for all. Weather did NOT cooperate at all, and yes...probably a lot of pioneers would have died if this would have happened back then. I got no zucchini, 2 tomatoes, 5 strawberries back in July, no pumpkins, etc. Solveig has 5 zucchini growing by a stump where she threw the extra seeds. Maybe next year I'll just randomly throw seeds around the yard since that seems to be the good way.